Sunday, April 11, 2010

Common tests coming up!

Am like so good to update my blog frequently right. Gnna start another 5days of suffering again. I feel life is veryvery boring. Why is Singapore so small? Why money doesn't drops from th sky?! Why love hurts so much! Grr, thinking whether should I head out today. There's still school tml. Maybe gnna have morning breakfast tml hur (Y) So many common test this week, thats what I know. I know im gnna flunk my maths badly. But seriously, I really don't know how to study maths!! Than can you like imagine, Im taking A maths too. A maths test cleared, but confrim get 0. E maths tml, and I've not yet study. Power or what? This week sure suck alot cos of all th tests. Argh. Ok shallllll go find somethings to do or prepare to go out. Bye.

&Lastly, please fucking get th facts right before you pin-pointing blames or say things. If you don't know anything, fucking keep your mouth shut. Thankyou. :)

Dont say i didnt care bout you. If not I would'nt have bothered anything.

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